Time To Put The Brakes On: How To Care For Your Industrial Press Brakes
If you utilize press brakes in your industrial shop, you owe it to yourself to make sure they're always functioning properly. Faulty press brakes can cause serious problems and can lead to work-related injuries. It's never a good idea to wait until you're experiencing problems with your press brakes. That's because issues can go from bad to worse in no time at all. Here are three steps you should follow to make sure that your press brakes are in optimum operating capacity.
Don't Rely Solely on Your Online Maintenance Guide
If your shop is like most, all your equipment maintenance guides are online. While online maintenance guides are great for routine maintenance, they're not necessarily what you need when time is of the essence. For those emergency situations where you need access to information right away, always keep a hard copy of your press brakes maintenance guide nearby. In fact, it's a good idea to do that with all your equipment.
Know the Condition of Your Components
When it comes to caring for your press brakes, it's crucial that you know the condition of your components. After all, your press brakes are only as good as the sum of its parts. In other words, if one component is malfunctioning, the rest will follow suit. Here are the three components you need to worry about:
When working with press brakes, you should conduct weekly inspections of the belts, bolts, and screws. You should also calibrate the stops and back gauges.
In addition to the mechanical components, you should also inspect the electrical system, including all connections, circuit boards, and wires. You should also monitor the voltage readings.
While you're inspecting the mechanical and electrical components of your press brakes, don't forget to also inspect the hydraulic system. Be sure that the filters are clean and that the covers are secure.
Go Heavy on the Cleaning
If you're not cleaning your press brakes on a regular basis, you're jeopardizing your machinery. Keeping your press brakes clean will prevent work stoppages and reduce wear and tear on your equipment. Not only that but the regular cleanings will also reduce the occurrence of rust. When cleaning your press brakes, be sure to remove all grime from around the gears and gaskets, as well as any debris that has collected around the hydraulic chambers.
You depend on your press brakes. Don't let them fall apart from lack of maintenance. Use the steps provided here to make sure your press brakes are ready when you need them. For more information, contact a company like Sierra Victor Industries.