3 Tips On How To Use A Borescope Properly
A borescope can be used by an owner of industrial machinery or a heavy-duty vehicle to closely inspect that machinery's internals, such as an engine or any moving parts like a piston. It is essentially a camera that can be inserted and wired through the machinery itself in order to get a good view of what's going on inside. If you own and operate an oil rig, for example, you might send an oil borescope through your piping if you encounter a problem like a an unexpected noise or unusually slow production. Here are three tips to keep in mind when using a borescope.
Nice and Steady
Sending a borescope inside any kind of piping, engine, or other contraption often involves reeling it out and then reeling it back in. It's important that you keep things nice and steady during the reeling process. In other words, there is no rush here. Keep your hands around the opening that you send the borescope through and gently guide the line to ensure that it stays on the right path as it moves inward. Getting inpatient and sending the borescope in too fast is a great way to damage it.
Don't Use It Like a Plumbing Snake
A borescope is sometimes used if the operator expects a clog has developed within their piping or machinery. The borescope can send back pictures of what's going on inside so you know what you are dealing with. That said, stop reeling the borescope forward as soon as you arrive at the site of the problem. In other words, don't try to use the camera as a plumbing snake and force it through the area in an attempt to dislodge the clog. A standard borescope is only as durable as just about any other camera, and if you are too rough with it, you will end up damaging the lens or snapping off the borescope's head completely.
Keep It Clean
After the inspection is finished, gently pull the borescope back out and begin cleaning it immediately. You don't want to let oil or any other gunk it encountered have time to settle over the camera lens. Wiping down your borescope completely after each use is the best way to ensure longevity of your device.
Have patience while using a borescope and don't try to force it through the piping or equipment too quickly. Never force your borescope through a clog and be sure to wipe it clean after each use. If your oil borescope is damaged, reach out to an oil borescope repair service as soon as possible.