
Buying Industrial Equipment For Less

Why Does Industrial Sand Need Well-Ventilated Storage?

As you set up your worksite and order supplies of items like industrial sand, you'll also have to order appropriate storage. For sand, this can be counter-intuitive if you've never questioned why sand is stored the way it is on many sites. Storage buildings are made with enough ventilation to keep the air inside moving well without actually creating wind, and fabric-covered buildings are often in use. Sand doesn't seem like something that needs special storage conditions, but when you learn why it needs them, it becomes a lot more intuitive to order storage buildings that keep the sand in good shape.

Moisture Isn't Just Rain and Snow

Sand needs to be protected from moisture so that you're not dealing with globby, wet sand when you need to use it. But moisture isn't just rain and snow. It's also humidity, meaning you can have sunny skies and warm temperatures and still find the sand affected by excessive moisture, depending on where you live. Humidity can seep into a mostly closed environment but doesn't really leave that environment if there's nothing to push it out. Storing the sand in a closed metal shed, for example, does not allow for much air movement, which leads to more humidity. Storage for industrial sand, therefore, has to have some ventilation that allows for good air exchange.

You Must Protect Sand From All Moisture

Of course, you have to protect the sand from moisture, so storing it in a building that's open isn't a very good idea, either. Rain can blow in diagonally, due to strong winds, and runoff can trickle along the ground, passing under buildings that are open frames with a roof. The high winds themselves can be a problem, blowing dry sand around and making you lose your supplies, and get complaints from nearby businesses and residents. So, the building does have to be one that encloses the pile of sand.

Why Do You Need Dry Sand?

Depending on the use, that extra moisture could lead to mold or corrosion (such as when damp sand is placed against an iron pipe) or contamination, if the sand is going to be melted down into glass or used as part of the flux in welding. Keeping the sand supply dry isn't just a matter of aesthetics or time; it's essential for the successful completion of your work. When you buy sand supplies, find out what storage is recommended to ensure your supplies last and don't become useless.

About Me

Buying Industrial Equipment For Less

Start-up costs are high in the industrial field. There is a lot of equipment to buy and none of it is cheap. If you're trying to break into the industrial field, it's important to realize that you face higher barriers to entry than you would in most other fields, and take that into account when budgeting and making a business plan. With that said, you may be surprised to find out all the ways that you can save on industrial equipment. Negotiating generous lease terms or buying refurbished equipment outright are just two of your options. I started this blog to help newcomers to the field navigate through the process of finding and buying industrial equipment and getting started in the business.

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